Entertainment Is Important To Us!

 The question might cross our minds, "is entertainment necessary?". Yes, of course, it is. Entertainment provides much-needed pleasure, happiness, and refreshment, without which we may become robotic. It is our fundamental right to be happy, and as someone once said, "when you have happiness, you have it all." As a person ages, their life may become more difficult. The hope for replenishing bodies and minds in free time is what keeps them going.

The oldest mention of entertainment was in the study of historians that said that groups of people gathered to listen to the narration of stories. Then there emerged various forms of performing arts like plays, dance, and music. The current generation often depends on "Netflix and Chill" for entertainment and this can lead to a very sedentary lifestyle. On the contrary, earlier, there were active forms of entertainment like gladiator fights, horse racing, sports, etc.

We need entertainment. Otherwise, the everyday hustle would transform us into a machine. We need to have feelings of joy and thrill to make us realize that we are human beings. Entertainment also serves as a common ground to connect with people. Thus, it helps in keeping a family together. We also require entertainment to fill in the void created by our job, school, or household that drains our energy.

Research proves that people tend to like those things that strike the chords of their emotions. The brain stores those events intricately that are associated with positive emotions. Entertainment and fun are a great source of creating memories that we can cherish in times of stress. We have often heard that "an empty brain is the devil's workshop." It is a valid point because boredom might lead to a dull brain that refuses to think, imagine, or lose creativity. Once we give up on the possibility of enjoyment in our life, we would gradually lose our willpower.

Entertainment is subjective, which means its definition is different for different people. A person might be interested in classical music, and another might like hip hop. Video games might thrill someone, and surfing might be someone else's favorite. Besides being a leisure activity, entertainment happens to be a source of employment for some. That accounts for the craze among some people to turn their passion into a profession. Nowadays, people struggle to find time for their hobbies. So, entertainment is the only option that one relies on for recharging the soul. This field also upholds the essence of culture and helps to discover and recognize talent.

Shakespeare had said, "all the world's a stage, and we are merely players." We are all puppets in the rat race of survival, but we deserve a break, and we deserve happiness. Entertainment is as necessary as food, shelter, and security. The next time we feel bored, stressed, or exhausted, we should not hesitate to treat ourselves to entertainment to restore the peace of mind and vitality of the body.


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